
September 21, 2022
yogic breathing techniques and foods
Meeting date January 23, 2022 11:30 am Add to: Google Calendar , iCal Export Pranayama for Mindful Eating is a 10-week program to improve your healthy eating using Pranayama. Our methods will help you to watch when, how, what and how much you eat, and help regulate hunger using breathing regulation. Our methods are in use for the past...
breathwork therapy Charleston
Meeting date March 2, 2022 10:30 am Add to: Google Calendar , iCal Export Join Dr. Sundar Balasubramanian for Morning Pranayama weekdays from 5:30-6am on Zoom. Learn yogic breathing exercises from the pioneer pranayama researcher and practitioner, Dr. Balasubramanian. No experience required. Recordings are available to watch throughout the day. Classes are $5 and you can sign up at...
Personal Pranayamaaa
Meeting date March 11, 2022 5:30 am Add to: Google Calendar , iCal Export Are you ready to learn pranayama (yogic breathing) or take your current practice to the next level? Dr. Sundar Balasubramanian is now offering one-on-one sessions to a limited number of individuals. Find time in your schedule to meet with a pioneer researcher and practitioner of...