
pranayam and yoga
Living with spondyloarthritis can be challenging, but did you know that incorporating pranayama (yogic breathing techniques) into your routine can help manage symptoms and promote overall well-being? 🧘‍♀️✨ In the episode 83 of the Spondylitis Association of America Podcast, Dr. Sundar explores the power of breath and how simple breathing exercises can: ✔️ Reduce stress...
the science of pranayama
Pioneering researcher Dr Sundar Balasubramanian shares how he is connecting the ancient yogic breathing practice of pranayama with modern science to help cancer and Alzheimer’s patients, as well as offering some breathwork tips that can benefit us all.
pranayama practices online
Dr Sundar grew up in Tamil Nadu, India, and started practicing pranayama — an ancient breath technique that originate from yogic practices — at a very young age. Now, as a cell biology researcher at the University of South Carolina and the founder of the PranaScience Institute, he combines this traditional wisdom with modern science to...
healthy breathing exercises
Saliva is a basic fluid found in organisms ranging from insects to humans, and it contains several molecules needed for normal physiological functioning. Environmental factors activate salivation, so saliva is a critical bridge in translating external stimuli into biological responses. Saliva is normally considered a rich source of digestive enzymes, and studies show that it contains...
home breathing exercises
Who hasn’t heard, said, or been told the following when experiencing stress, fear, or anger? “Just take a deep breath and relax…” This common expression refers to a very simple action yet embraces great wisdom and efficacy. Simple, but often unconscious and overlooked, breathing can be highly potent and beneficial for physical and mental health....
pranayama practices online
As the pandemic hit the world, more and more people are interested in learning about breathing and its benefits. Dr. Sundar Balasubramanian guests on Let’s Talk Yoga today to help us understand what pranayama is, who this is for, and how we can measure our success with this practice. He is a valued speaker in...
home breathing exercises
Before I went to the Scleroderma Patient Education Conference I had never heard of the autoimmune disease. After a day of talking to patients, listening to lectures, and trying some therapies myself I feel confident I could explain the condition and its management techniques to a friend. Because scleroderma is a relatively rare disease, many...